Dr. Guang-Wen LIEN
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +886-2-3366-8088
Fax: +886-2-2358-2402
Room 733, 17 Syujhou Road, Taipei 10055, Taiwan
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +886-2-3366-8088
Fax: +886-2-2358-2402
Room 733, 17 Syujhou Road, Taipei 10055, Taiwan
◆ Background
◆ Research
◆ Publications
- Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Health, National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Taiwan (2004-2009)
◆ Research
- My research interest involves developing and applying liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS) technology to analyze organic trace contaminants in environmental matrix. Currently, I also expand my work to determine human metabolites in bio-fluid as well as endogenous substances in hair analysis.
◆ Publications
- Lien GW, Huang CC, Shiu JS, Chen MH, Hsieh WS, Guo YL, Chen PC. Perfluoroalkyl substances in cord blood and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in seven-year-old children. Chemosphere 2016 Aug; 156: 118-127.
- Su TC, Kuo CC, Hwang JJ, Lien GW, Chen MF, Chen PC. Serum perfluorinated chemicals, glucose homeostasis and the risk of diabetes in working-aged Taiwanese adults. Environment International 2016 Mar; 88: 15-22.
- Lin CY, Shen FY, Lian GW, Chien KL, Sung FC, Chen PC, Su TC. Association between levels of serum bisphenol A, a potentially harmful chemical in plastic containers, and carotid artery intima-media thickness in adolescents and young adults. Atherosclerosis 2015 Aug; 241(2): 657-663.
- Wang Y, Rogan WJ, Chen PC, Lien GW, Chen HY, Tseng YC, Longnecker MP, Wang SL. Association between maternal serum perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy and maternal and cord thyroid hormones: Taiwan maternal and infant cohort study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014 May; 122(5): 529-534.
- Chen MH, Ha EH, Liao HF, Jeng SF, Su YN, Wen TW, Lien GW, Chen CY, Hsieh WS, Chen PC. Perfluorinated compound levels in cord blood and neurodevelopment at 2 years of age. Epidemiology 2013 Nov; 24(6): 800-808.
- Lin CY, Lin LY, Wen TW, Lien GW, Wen LL, Chien KL, Hsu SHJ, Sung FC, Chen PC, Su TC. Association between levels of serum perfluorooctane sulfate and carotid artery intima-media thickness in adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Cardiology 2013 Oct; 168(4): 3309-3316.
- Lien GW, Huang CC, Wu KY, Chen MH, Lin CY, Chen CY, Hsieh WS, Chen PC. Neonatal-maternal factors and perfluoroalkyl substances in cord blood. Chemosphere 2013 Aug; 92(7): 843-850.
- Lin CY, Wen LL, Lin LY, Wen TW, Lien GW, Chen CY, Hsu SHJ, Chien KL, Liao CC, Sung FC, Chen PC, Su TC. The associations between serum perfluorinated chemicals and thyroid function in adolescents and young adults. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013 Jan; 244-245: 637-644.
- Chen MH, Ha EH, Wen TW, Su YN, Lien GW, Chen CY, Chen PC, Hsieh WS. Perfluorinated compounds in umbilical cord blood and adverse birth outcomes. PLoS ONE 2012 Aug; 7(8): e42474.
- Lin CY, Wen LL, Lin LY, Wen TW, Lien GW, Chen CY, Hsu SHJ, Chien KL, Sung FC, Chen PC, Su TC. Associations between levels of serum perfluorinated chemicals and adiponectin in a young hypertension cohort in Taiwan. Environmental Science and Technology 2011 Dec; 45(24): 10691-10698.
- Wang IJ, Hsieh WS, Chen CY, Fletcher T, Lien GW, Chiang HL, Chiang CF, Wu TN, Chen PC. The effects of prenatal perfluorinated chemicals exposure on pediatric atopy. Environmental Research 2011 Aug; 111(6): 785-791.
- Lien GW, Wen TW, Hsieh WS, Wu KY, Chen CY, Chen PC. Analysis of perfluorinated chemicals in umbilical cord blood by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 2011, 879, 641-646.
- Lien GW, Chen CY, Wang GS. Comparison of electrospray ionization, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization for determining estrogenic chemicals in water by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with chemical derivatizations. Journal of Chromatography A 2009, 1216, 956-966.
- Lien GW, Chen CY, Wu CF. Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization or electrospray ionization with tropylium post-column derivatization. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2007, 21, 3694-3700.
- Chen CY, Wen TY, Wang GS, Cheng HW, Lin YH, Lien GW. Determining estrogenic steroids in Taipei waters and removal in drinking water treatment using high-flow solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment 2007, 378, 352-365.
- Liao CM, Chang CF, Yeh CH, Chen SC, Chiang KC, Chio CP, Chou YH, Jou LJ, Lien GW, Lin CM, Shen HH, Wu GD. Metal stresses affect the population dynamics of disease transmission in aquaculture species. Aquaculture 2006, 257, 321-332.
- Liaw YP, Huang YC, Lien GW. Patterns of lung cancer mortality in 23 countries: application of the age-period-cohort model. BMC Public Health 2005, 5, 22.